Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(O.o)here is my first blog!

Hello .. people.

And then how should i start this? Well I actually have nothing better to do right now. Okay okay, I lied. I have reports to be finished up and the deadly have lots of kadai=assignment to settle!!And I’m freaking out at this moment. But I have such a lazy butt! *sighs*

Back to main point. (Do i have one actually?) I’m just kinda interested because i’ve seen many blogs by others so i think i should try blogging at least once in my life.Reading blogs by the people i know n care has caused me to try out this blogging thing. And i'm actually try to find a good way to spend my time..acece~bajet baek laa plk.huhu..But it's true.Asek2 after class lepakING on the bed..Goro2 suru. Plus, blogging is a way for me to improve my eigo=english..Since it's been so long that i haven't use it. Yela.. All books and notes in nihon go=japanese. Cakap ngan sensei pun nihon go. But my nihon go still not so fluent. It's not so, but MEMANG! And then I pretty sure my second post of blog would take place like … a month or two ahead. However, that depends on my level of boredomness and tenseness.

Oh i’m so wasting my time here. I’m wondering would there be anyone who read my blog? And if so, may I say thanks for wasting your time reading my craps? LOL. Okay, I think I should stop typing by now because I’d started babbling now. Haha.

Okay let’s seriously stop here. I do hope that u... my readers will enjoy sharing my stories with me. U r more than welcome to leave any comments. ‘Til we meet again.