Saturday, August 8, 2009

+the malaysian+

lama x update blog ni..kinda busy laa lately..exam..cuti..momot..hahaha..but now, exam dah habes..result pun dah kuar..alhamdullah..even mine not segempak the others..but i really2 b'syukur for least xde any subject yg fail..and im still JAD =) ..mula2, after get the result..a little bit frust laa jgk coz result budak2 ni sme dasat2..yg straight A's 2 xyah ckp laa..sgt rmai~!! tapi ble dgr a fren of mine ckp hari 2..aku realise my fault..after solat kita doa nak lulus je kan..bukan nak straight A's..then Allah dah bagi laa tu..apa yang xpuas hati lagi skunk nih?? frens yg ada terdetik cam aku awal2 tadi..think about it..=)

ishh..i dun wanna talk about this thing..yang aku nak share with you peeps is..the truth about the malaysian..kita slalu dengar..malaysian ni rude..xde adab..but not all of them yg macam 2..elin baek..hahha..*kidding*ok2..back to the point..(do i hv one??haha)..xde..tadi..kuar ngan momot..again~!!haha..then, on my way home, dalam tren..aku batuk yg amat usual laa..sampai kuar air mata..and lagi sket anak tekak nak trcabut..dah lama pun baatuk ni..bafore exam agi..dah around 3weeks kot..haha..dah amek ubt..dah hbs pun ubt 2..tapi bkn aku yg minum..rafiq..haha..baek kn ak ni??pemurah..aku kan malaysian..haha..but the thing yg aku nak share not bout my "kepemurahan" aku tu..but it's about, "kebaekan" the malaysian..ngah terseksa aku batuk2 dalam tren 2..ada laa sorg pmpn ni..chinese..cuit ak from blkg.."nah",she said..and gives me a mask.."to prevent", she added..she smiled at me and i say thnx to her..pas pkai mask 2..ada lak sorg ag yg cuit aku.."nak sikit?", and hand me a dettol..

see...xde laa trok sgt malaysian nie kan??ada je yg baek..hurmm..hope Allah jauhkan mereka dari mala petaka dengan kebaekan mereka tue..huhu..and yg chinese tadi..hope Allah bukak pintu hati die utk Islam..nanti dapat pahala of every single kebaekan that she did =)

1 comment:

eD said...

kalau kat nihon buat camtu, satu train tu tgk mata tajam je. seme takut h1n1. haha :D