Tuesday, May 26, 2009

biarkan ia perlahan-lahan...

knp hati ni tenang sangat ble kat situ?
selesa sangat ble ad kat situ..
ak pun xtau..
tapi sangat tenang..
penah tersasar..
tp mencuba mencari jalan pulang..
kata 'dia' petang tadi..
"ko dah dapat pun elin..nak tunggu apa lagi?"
"kalau Dia tarik balik mcm mne?"
jangan! jangan....
tapi.. aku takut..
aku takut aku buat smua tu nanti..
disebabkan manusia..
bukan keikhlasan aku sendiri..
aku belum kuat..
biarlah ia perlahan-lahan..
asalkan ia teguh..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

en. blog

dear en. blog..

hurmm..i don't know what i'm trying to say.. and i don't know what shud i write to you. but i'm badly sad rite now... i don't know with whom shud i tell.. or how shud i tell them.. then i think it's better telling you what my heart whisper rite now...

lots of things happened lately.. keTENSYENan pilih dai.. keSERABUTan ngan mendan.. keSEDIHan my sis will get engaged next month.. keRINDUANan wif abah ngan mak.. and deadly.. bertimbun2 kadai and report to be finished up!*sigh*

let me start with my mendan.. i'm so frustrated.. i cn't apply for shibaura and tokai.. as what sensei told me, there's too many student who applied to. and the limit for denki student, only 5students. coz of my terrible result in last sem.. i've been rejected. you deserve it elin!

sensei suggest me to apply takushoku university and tokyo university of tech. and take the network course. yeah.. i have interest with that course.. but i theres no one of my fren who has the same interest. i cn't study alone.. i shud have someone who can guide me.. who can teach me with anything that i don't understand. this morning, in class, some of them talking bout this. they have just came back from soudan wif sensei. they so happy. really happy. when sensei allowed them to go that dai and taking the same course. but, what about me?? =[
you two guys.. better don't talk about it infront me again.. it's hurt me.. really.

my sis, the one who really close wif me, will get engaged in dis june..tiada lagi teman meronggeng =[ .. when i get the news.. i crying non-stop.. i know, it will be like me and abg.. he pay much attention on his family.. no more gdh2 cm dlu.. ada but so rarely.. but this tyme sgt2 terasa that i will lost her.. no more 'kereta ank dara'.. no more ronggeng2 wif her.. mst dh xdpt teman her if she have any course here.. xdpt tmpg her hotel lagi.. no more nite shift.. telling you en.blog.. how close we are.. i know all of her staf and frens.. yela..slalu sgt ikut die gi kerja.. huhu.. sis...if you read en.blog, hope you know that i really love you! jgn laa stop top up my fon eik?huhu..

hurmm..i shud stop here en.blog...gt something to do.. pen off!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Doa seorang rakan di dalam artikel terbaru azzariyat betul2 buat aku tersentap.

“ Jangan Ya Allah.. Kau palingkan hati kami setelah Kau beri hidayah kepada kami. Tetapkanlah hati kami untuk terus menerus membela agamaMu. Jangan Kau biarkan nasib kami ditentukan oleh diri kami sendiri walau sekadar sekelip mata atau kadar yang lebih cepat daripada itu…………….”

Ya Allah.. Apa yang aku cari selama ini?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

there can be miracles when you believe~

Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know theres much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could, whoa, yes
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer bird
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now Im standing here
My hearts so full, I cant explain
Seeking faith and speakin words
I never thought Id say
There can be miracles
When you believe (when you believe)
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill (mmm)
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve (you can achieve)
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
They dont always happen when you ask
And its easy to give in to your fears
But when youre blinded by your pain
Cant see the way, get through the rain
A small but still, resilient voice
Says hope is very near, oh [oh]
There can be miracles (miracles)
When you believe (boy, when you believe, yeah) [though hope is frail]
Though hope is frail [its hard]
Its hard to kill (hard to kill, oh, yeah)
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve (you can achieve, oh)
When you believe somehow you will (somehow, somehow, somehow)
Somehow you will (I know, I know, know)
You will when you believe [when you]
[you will when you]
(you will when you believe)
[when you believe]
[when you believe]

This was the ever dramatic scene form the movie "Prince of egypt", with the OST When you believe.

In the film, this song of inspiration is performed by the characters Tzipporah (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Miriam (sung by Sally Dworsky). The protagonists of this ballad recall tough times that have them questioning their faith: they have prayed for many nights to God but those prayers seem to remain unanswered, and they wonder if they are wasting their time. Nevertheless, they realize that although times may be difficult, "there can be miracles when you believe" in God.

Don't take the negative site of this movie but take the lessons from it. There can be miracles when you have faith with Allah. Usaha, tawakal and believe in Allah, insyaAllah, everything will be fine.

Might be some of you people don't really know what this movie is about.
The Prince of Egypt is a Dreamworks movie based on the biblical story of Moses. Adaptasi based on cerita Nabi Musa. Ni laa yang orang cakap, 'PERANG SARAF'. Tapi cite ni dah kne banned pn. But it's really weird when there's the same kind of this movie on the market. Such as 'The Ten Commandments'(a grand retelling of the epic story of Moses), 'Arabian Nights', 'Day of Destruction'(cite pasal hari kiamat kot) and 'Hercules'(half God, half man, all power). Infront of the cover write "WARNING: This film is not suitable for Muslim viewers". Why?? Might be they realize that we know true story. Haha.

(T.T)tabahkan hati ini Ya Allah~

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


hey! let's me share something with you guys.. i read it from an article.

"Orang-orang yang beriman itu akan menjadi tenteram hati mereka. Ingatlah, bahawa dengan mengingati Allah hati itu akan menjadi tenteram." ( Ar-Ra'd: 28).

Islam melihat tekanan sebangai hasil dari renggangnya hubungan seseorang dengan al-Khaliqnya. Ini kerana Allah menyatakan bahawa ketenangan hanya dimiliki oleh mereka yang sentiasa mengingati Allah dalam setiap saat kehidupan.

Hey, at last I’d made my blog pretty much beneficial for people to read. Haha. take lesson from it.

pen off.

Monday, May 4, 2009


tOing!! tOing!! elin rOlling on the flOor..

it's May already
but still don't know
which dai=u i want to go
i need to pass up the entrance form by today
but i still not make any choice
arghh.. i don't want to think about it
i hate it
i hate when i need to make a choice..
rOlling! rOlling! rOlling!
i have interest on wireless
but some of them said
wireless is a though subject
sensei also said that
plus, there's no one who have the same interest with me
i don't wanna go alone
i can't study alone
and i can't be so friendly with japanese
*sigh* doushiyoukana??
doko no daigaku he ikitainoka??
nanno senmon ga sukinano??
kore ha muzukashi desune..

p/s: tadi kne marah ngan karino sensei..seday =[


dah 4hari i haven't hear their voice..
kerinduan yang amat sgt!
slalunye tensen2 stdy or bosan2..
dpt laa jgk call dorang..
but this tyme i can't..
mak..adik rindu..ngan abah pun rindu..
ble nak call??
what are they doing rite now ekh??
dah tido ke??
Ya Allah..jauhkan mereka dari malapetaka Ya Allah..
lindungilah mereka Ya Allah..
terimalah ibadat mereka Ya Allah..

khusyukkanlah mereka dalam beribadat Ya Allah..
kasihanilah mereka Ya Allah..
sihatkanlah tubuh badan mereka Ya Allah..
permudahkanlah mereka beribadat kepadaMu..

hope abah ngan mak pulang ngan selamat..
lagi 12hari..
..nyte abah..
..nyte mak..

Saturday, May 2, 2009

he's my everything..

"adik beli kete nanti upah abah jadi driver pun cukup la. xnak bayar gaji pun xpe..bagi abah tempat nak tido ngan makan pun da cukup. nasi ngn ikan goreng je pun xpe.jangan letak abah umah orang tua. jangan biar abah merempat kat tepi jalan.."

he's always said dat..he so worry if one day, his children not care bout him anymore.. everytime ktorg tgk cte seday*psl2 parents yg kne buang ngan anak2*he sobbed.."jangan buat abah macam ni.." we won't laa abah.. you are my everything. how come we sampai hati to do that.

my dad, yg agak temper..bukan agak arr..tp mmg. everyone takot wif him.. my cousin xberani to make any mistake infront him. nak kne ceramah, buat la..huhu. kami anak2 die ni lagi laa. apa yang abah xsuke, we won't do that. but it's never make us*me and my siblings* hate abah. he such a hero for us. a great man that could ever replace with anyone. he gives all what we want. he gives us all his love. he always make sure we have all what we need. abah xkesah xde baju raya, but he will mengelabah when bju ank2 xbeli lagi.. even i'm here now. he will drop by just to take me out to buy bju raya. abah dtg kl semata2 for it. semata2 to buy me bju raya.

when the exam is just round the corner. aku start xsenang duduk. everyday call abah. exam mode really make me sick! how busy he is, how tired he is, he will layan borak2 with me, even for awhile. 2years i've been here. and almost 6 times i've sit for shiken=exam, *if i'm not mistaken, plus shiken kt sni is so horrible! fail 2 subject leh kne dismiss.* abah never miss visit me here. support me. take me out just to release my tense.

i still remember, last kimatsu=final exam.
"abah, next week exam. abah ble nak datang?"
"abah ngah busy agi ni. election kan da dekat. tp nanti da settle abah pegi."
but a day after dat, abah da beli tiket to kl. he leave his job to a fren even he know he has the responsibility on it.

"adik, abah sampai ptg ni. balik laa umah k.ya. nanti kte g makan tomyam nak?"*ngee..my fav*
owhh.. pengorbanan seorang ayah kepada anaknya. he leave everything there just come to belanja me tomyam.. he will do anything for his children. he don't care with what will happen next. he just want to see his children happy. just it!

everytime i sit for the exam, before i step in to the hall. i will call him to get my strenght.
"hari ni abah blk tau. jawab leklok. kalau xleh jawab, ingat abah ada kat tepi =]". i smile. thnx abah, i'll do my best. i'll make sure that i'll give the best for you.

but, i never do that. i'm never give the best for my dad. since in JAD, i'm never get the excellent rslt. i always make him frustrated with me. tapi bab duet laju lak. abah pnh said to me.
"ni anak saudagar ni. belanja duet cam air."
i'm not really worry bout the money. i'm not even care bout it. what i know is, shop,shop and shopping again. but now, i should realize. abah dah tua,sakit lagi tu. project pn susah nak dapat. kurangkan hang out, shuchu benkyoushimasu. this is my last year i'm here. i won't care with anything. i should prove them. i can do it! abah..mattetene..mou sukoushi.*abah tggu eik..jap je lagi* i'll make sure i'll pass the exam and dpt fly sne. bile da kat nihon nnt, i'll make sure you and mak will get a chance to go there. i promise you!

to those who still have parents outside there, appreciate them. they had make lot of sacrifices to us. jgn hampakan dorg..nanti ble dorg dah xe..kte akan sangat2 menyesal.....

Friday, May 1, 2009


wOof2..my 2nd entry..huhu

semalam ada usrah ngan k.hanum..Ya Allah pny laa sangat malas nak pegi.the day dapat msg pasal ni..hati sangat2 laa memberontak. report not finish yet, dah laa orang ramai balik. xkan ada usrah gak kot. xnak pegi2!!

punya laa rmai setan2 buncit around me..after clas smlm, blk bukak lappy, continue writting the repot sket, aku tros tido.. xnak jugak pegi usrah! housemates sme da turun surau dat tyme.. it's only me yang ngah terbongkang kat katil tue.. when they are come back, they wake me up, suh smyg isyak. tgk jam, da kol 930. usrah had just start. ttbe terdetik plak. kesian ngan k.hanum..da laa rmai balik weekend ni. *labour day* mesti xde orang pegi usrah.. kesian die..datang jauh2..xde org plak nak join usrah die..so, aku pun smyg cepat2 and turun surau..

sampai2 tue, i'm not really pay attention to what k.hanum ngh ckp tue.. aku lagi leka maen ngan fatih*anak k.hanum*. tapi Allah macam nak sangat bagi aku dengar apa yang k.hanum cakap tue.. yang betul2 buat aku rasa tertampar, k.hanum cakap pasal niat.

"everything yang kite nak buat kena laa dengan niat yang betul. klu niat nak g ihon tue sbb nak beli kete, kete laa yang kite dapat. kalau niat datang usrah sbb kesiankan akk usrah tue..kesian tue jela yang mampu kita hilangkan. sia2 sme yang kite buat tue.. xde pape pun yg kte dapat. even pahala."

lol..memang kne batang hidung. aku mula faham. aku betulkan niat..Alhamdulillah.. banyak input yang aku dapat. banyak benda yang ktorg share malam tue..sampai usrah pun habis around 12. sampai ada yang nangis2 kn?huhu.. and ada satu story yang sangat buat aku berfikir..

there's a chris,kat canada if i'm not mistaken. die sangat pelik with the muslim. he said,the muslim look so busy with their ibadat. they need to pray 5tymes a day. pastu sempat agi nak g usrah. kalau diikutkan mmg xcukup laa mse untuk balaja tue kan?yela..nk pegi usrah tue.take tyme gak. but dorg yang pegi usrah*yang lebihkan mse untuk Allah* ni laa yang scorer.. itu lah NIKMAT ISLAM. each second yang digunakan untuk Allah, beribadat kepadaNya..berganda2 Allah akan gantikan ia balik.

see~kalau setting niat btol2 dapat laa input yg bgOs2 tue..ngee~*riak laa plk*..xleh2..huhu