Wednesday, May 20, 2009

en. blog

dear en. blog..

hurmm..i don't know what i'm trying to say.. and i don't know what shud i write to you. but i'm badly sad rite now... i don't know with whom shud i tell.. or how shud i tell them.. then i think it's better telling you what my heart whisper rite now...

lots of things happened lately.. keTENSYENan pilih dai.. keSERABUTan ngan mendan.. keSEDIHan my sis will get engaged next month.. keRINDUANan wif abah ngan mak.. and deadly.. bertimbun2 kadai and report to be finished up!*sigh*

let me start with my mendan.. i'm so frustrated.. i cn't apply for shibaura and tokai.. as what sensei told me, there's too many student who applied to. and the limit for denki student, only 5students. coz of my terrible result in last sem.. i've been rejected. you deserve it elin!

sensei suggest me to apply takushoku university and tokyo university of tech. and take the network course. yeah.. i have interest with that course.. but i theres no one of my fren who has the same interest. i cn't study alone.. i shud have someone who can guide me.. who can teach me with anything that i don't understand. this morning, in class, some of them talking bout this. they have just came back from soudan wif sensei. they so happy. really happy. when sensei allowed them to go that dai and taking the same course. but, what about me?? =[
you two guys.. better don't talk about it infront me again.. it's hurt me.. really.

my sis, the one who really close wif me, will get engaged in dis june..tiada lagi teman meronggeng =[ .. when i get the news.. i crying non-stop.. i know, it will be like me and abg.. he pay much attention on his family.. no more gdh2 cm dlu.. ada but so rarely.. but this tyme sgt2 terasa that i will lost her.. no more 'kereta ank dara'.. no more ronggeng2 wif her.. mst dh xdpt teman her if she have any course here.. xdpt tmpg her hotel lagi.. no more nite shift.. telling you how close we are.. i know all of her staf and frens.. yela..slalu sgt ikut die gi kerja.. huhu.. sis...if you read, hope you know that i really love you! jgn laa stop top up my fon eik?huhu..

hurmm..i shud stop here something to do.. pen off!


aReLaN said...

ALLAH sntiasa ada utk mendengar.kami2 ni pn insya-ALLAH leh tolong.sabar byk2.stiap perkara ada himah di sebaliknya.

eRLeEn said...

hope Allah still want to hear me..

aReLaN said...

ALLAH always wanna hear from's juz us who think the other way.HE is alwiz there for us but we never wanna find HIM.