Tuesday, November 24, 2009

that was it!

alhamdulillah..at last, habes jugak sengsara mensetsu (interview) aku..seyes xtipu..sangat2 tensi ngn mensetsu ni. habis sme kerja tertangguh, tido pun lambat..tapi alhamdulillah laa, ok laa kot..last saturday aku mensetsu for Tokyo University of Technology(Tokyo Kouka) and ahad tue pulak for Takushoku University(Takudai)..

yang Tokyo Kouka tue, i don't noe spe yang interview spe.. there's only a panel inside and he only asked me two question. "why you want to study at Tokyo Kouka?" and "what your future plan?". only this two question. no senmon question and yang lagi dasyatnya, he didn't anything about my ganshou (application form).. and after that, die suh aku plak yang interview die..adehh, masak gue. aku tanya jela soklan bongok..if ada problems dengan sape we shud refer..pas die answered me, i thought die nak bagi laa aku kuar, tapi die suh tanya lagi..bile ak cakap dah xde pape nak tanya, die cakap, "tanya je pape, xde kaitan ngan dai and study pun xpe" (cehh, cam terer je jepon ni cakap melayu,haha). pastu apa ntah aku merepek kat dalam tue aku pun dah lupa..
at first tue, macam agak frust laa sket.. sebab die macam terlintas, "eh, asal sikit sgt die ni tanya? mensetsu aku ni worst ke?". cam sedikit chuaks laa..hoho..

then, the next day, mensetsu for Takudai. there's 3 panels inside.. a young lady and 2 guys..overall borak2 biasa jela..die suh aku lukis peta..SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS PASIR PUTEH kat mne??haiyaa..geog pn dapat A tyme PMR je kot..hoho..ouh trial sme..aku pun just skecth penisular malaysia(sbb lupa sabah ngan sarawak dok sblh mne..haha..senget eln!)then' story laa sket2 where's my skola nih..bla..bla..bla..pastu die tanya pulak, if nak gi jalan2 kat pasir puteh tue, which part they shud visited...adoi pkcik, u thought pasir puteh tue lyke vanice??hoho..aku sengeh je..JERAM PASU..i told them..lantak korang la, agak2 nak ryouko, sile2 la ke jeram pasu tue..haha..(aku pun pegi sne tyme form 2 kot. tyme tue sbb skola xd air, smmgu jgk la kot merana)

so far, all things berjalan ngn smoothly laa kot..hope i'll get what i want. insyaAllah.. owh, one more thing. before interview Kouka tue, borak2 laa ngan ada akak who works kat JAD tue.." akak,  if dorg tanya knp Kouka ni second choice, nak jwb ap?"..hrmm..aku xde alasan kenapa aku lepas Kouka as my second choice..act, benda yang aku nak belaja tue ada kat Kouka tapi aku xnak pegi sne sebab if i passed the interview, it's will be only me yang pegi Kouka tue nanati.. i don't wanna be alone there. after Dr. Suhaya, Kak Nor bagi nasihat, aku nak balik pegi Kouka. Kak Nor nasihat, doa jela..if dapat dua2 that means, Allah tunjuk me that Takudai is the best choice for me but if i only passed the Kouka's interview, it's mean............
so, peeps, pray for me. hope i get the right one for me..

naa~today is twin's besday..sonok lepaskan tensi kat org..balut dorg ni ngn blanket, then heret naek tgkt 10 pastu turun balik smpi tgkt 5 pastu naek lif lagi..haha..macam heret lembu lak smlm..so dear~

SWEET 20TH btw..


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