Thursday, December 24, 2009
tapi tue laa..kte pun xtau ak yang jadi ngn relationship kte tue kan? nak cakap lebih2 pun..semuanya di tanganNya. but please, anda, he loves you..just trust him. i don't know whether u usha my blog or not. maybe nnt one day u bce kot..huhu. aku doa korang kekal weh. =)
Friday, December 11, 2009
i miss you..
sha la la la la, sha la la la la you used to call me your angel, said I was sent straight down from heaven you'd hold me close in your arms I love the way you felt so strong I never wanted you to leave I wanted you to stay here holding me I miss you, I miss your smile and I still shed a tear every once in a while and even though it's different now you're still here somehow my heart won't let you go and I need you to know I miss you sha la la la la I miss you you used to call me your dreamer and now I'm living out my dream oh, how I wish you could see everything that's happening for me I'm thinking back on the past it's true that time is flying by too fast I miss you, I miss your smile and I still shed a tear every once in a while and even though it's different now you're still here somehow my heart won't let you go and I need you to know I miss you sha la la la la I miss you I know your in a better place, yeah but I wish that I could see your face, oh I know that your'e where you need to be even though it's not here with me I miss you I miss your smile and I still shed a tear every once in a while and even though it's different now you're still here somehow my heart won't let you go and I need you to know I miss you sha la la la la I miss you I miss your smile and I still shed a tear every once in a while and even though it's different now you're still here somehow my heart won't let you go and I need you to know I miss you sha la la la la I miss you
back at one..
That we should be together
It’s unbelievable
How I used to say
That I’d fall never
The basis is need to know
If you don’t know
Just how I feel
Then let me show you now
That I’m for real
If all things in time
Time will reveal
You're like a dream come true
Just wanna be with you
Cause, it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one
It's so incredible
The way things work themselves out
And all emotional
Once you know what it's all about, hey
And undesirable
For us to be apart
I never would've made it very far
'Cause you know you got the keys to my heart
Say farewell to the dark of night
I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child
Whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life
Into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out the lifeline
Just in the nick of time
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
"Abah sayang adik."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
hari raya kami di hospital..
urmm, this year is totally different with the pass years..without k.ya and abg..and k.ja at hospital..haha..positive taun..alalala..syian dear sis ni..mlm raya dah call abah, "abah esok datang awal2 sket eik"..hahaha.. and mak pun ckp.."sunyi raya taun ni xde org..nex ya adk lak xde", hoho..mak xmenghitung hari ke??kihkih..
sebab me sampai dah subuh, then, aku xberniat laa untuk tidur..if tidur pun nanti kena bangun balik nak gi smyang raya.. kesudahannya..after smyang raya aku pun tidur laa till asar. kazen2 datang pun xsedar..huhu.. itu pun bangun sbb nak gi hospital tgk k.ja..dah nangis tue raya sorg2 kat hospital..hohho
that's the first day of hari raya..the second day lak, ktorg beraya kat umah k.ida..ada buat akikah sket..jemu2..asek2 jumpa daging je..cbe bagi aku makan ikan sket..isk3..huhu..seriously, really rndu nak makan fresh fishes terengganu..disebabkan anak bongsu mak ni nak sgt makan ikan, mak pun masak laa lauk mlm 2, ikan je..haha..mak memang terbaek lah!
and owh, today memang best, kisah budak yang baru berkhatan..haha..menjerit habis stu umah dengar..adeh laa nephew aku those yang belom berkhatan tue, jangan berkhatan..saket dowh!haha
that's all bolak balik my cuti..and my shukudai not done yet!*sigh*
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
when you have no mood for your class
arghh, i have engineering ethics today..i hate this class.seriously! presentation..presentation..and presentation again!and the discussion all in nihon go (just sometymes, ble sensei xnmpk hentam je melayu..ngee2).
and now here i am, in rinri class..typing for my entry even theres's presentation about engineering ethics infront..owhh, i have my information precessing mini test after this..and i haven't study anything yet! just finish my report last nyte..toing2! let's see what will happen with the result..ngee~
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
that was it!
yang Tokyo Kouka tue, i don't noe spe yang interview spe.. there's only a panel inside and he only asked me two question. "why you want to study at Tokyo Kouka?" and "what your future plan?". only this two question. no senmon question and yang lagi dasyatnya, he didn't anything about my ganshou (application form).. and after that, die suh aku plak yang interview die..adehh, masak gue. aku tanya jela soklan bongok..if ada problems dengan sape we shud refer..pas die answered me, i thought die nak bagi laa aku kuar, tapi die suh tanya lagi..bile ak cakap dah xde pape nak tanya, die cakap, "tanya je pape, xde kaitan ngan dai and study pun xpe" (cehh, cam terer je jepon ni cakap melayu,haha). pastu apa ntah aku merepek kat dalam tue aku pun dah lupa..
at first tue, macam agak frust laa sket.. sebab die macam terlintas, "eh, asal sikit sgt die ni tanya? mensetsu aku ni worst ke?". cam sedikit chuaks laa..hoho..
then, the next day, mensetsu for Takudai. there's 3 panels inside.. a young lady and 2 guys..overall borak2 biasa jela..die suh aku lukis peta..SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS PASIR PUTEH kat mne??haiyaa..geog pn dapat A tyme PMR je kot..hoho..ouh trial sme..aku pun just skecth penisular malaysia(sbb lupa sabah ngan sarawak dok sblh mne..haha..senget eln!)then' story laa sket2 where's my skola nih..bla..bla..bla..pastu die tanya pulak, if nak gi jalan2 kat pasir puteh tue, which part they shud visited...adoi pkcik, u thought pasir puteh tue lyke vanice??hoho..aku sengeh je..JERAM PASU..i told them..lantak korang la, agak2 nak ryouko, sile2 la ke jeram pasu tue..haha..(aku pun pegi sne tyme form 2 kot. tyme tue sbb skola xd air, smmgu jgk la kot merana)
so far, all things berjalan ngn smoothly laa kot..hope i'll get what i want. insyaAllah.. owh, one more thing. before interview Kouka tue, borak2 laa ngan ada akak who works kat JAD tue.." akak, if dorg tanya knp Kouka ni second choice, nak jwb ap?"..hrmm..aku xde alasan kenapa aku lepas Kouka as my second choice..act, benda yang aku nak belaja tue ada kat Kouka tapi aku xnak pegi sne sebab if i passed the interview, it's will be only me yang pegi Kouka tue nanati.. i don't wanna be alone there. after Dr. Suhaya, Kak Nor bagi nasihat, aku nak balik pegi Kouka. Kak Nor nasihat, doa jela..if dapat dua2 that means, Allah tunjuk me that Takudai is the best choice for me but if i only passed the Kouka's interview, it's mean............
so, peeps, pray for me. hope i get the right one for me..
naa~today is twin's besday..sonok lepaskan tensi kat org..balut dorg ni ngn blanket, then heret naek tgkt 10 pastu turun balik smpi tgkt 5 pastu naek lif lagi..haha..macam heret lembu lak dear~
Friday, November 20, 2009
tenangkan hati ini ya Allah
Monday, November 9, 2009
nota kaki: so en. momot, sile2 laa b'kerja keras ye! hehe
Sunday, November 1, 2009
+interview+ lme xupdate blog ni.
dh berhabuk kot. hoho
last post bln 8 kot
ni dh bln 11.
gle ah, cpt gle mse..
and ktorg pon dh soro2 nak fly.
ha, ckp psl nak fly ni.
sok ktorg dah start intrvw.
tapi dgn sensei ktorg jela,
blom ngn sensei from uni jpon ag.
tp ke'cuak'an ttp terasa.
apa x nye, ak antara mereka yg first kot esk.
awal pagi lg, kol 850.
mle2 kuar schedule 2,
ak dh susah hati.
awal2 agi dh call abh ngn mak.
bab2 intrvw ni lemah sket.
ye arr.. ap xcuak nye.
everything dorg tgk kot.
lg2 ngn org jpon ni.
nak intrvw pn siap sensei wt kls ag tue.
cmne nk msk, cmne nk ktok pintu, cmne nak diri.
agak dasyat laa tahap kesopanan si jpon2 ini.
tapi nak buat cne.
xkan nak stop separuh jalan kot.
akan ku cuba juga.
yosh! gambare elin.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
suspected H1N1??
dok umah seminggu,xde lak demam..but seminggu dok kat TBP..demam datang balik..i got fever for 4days..mula2 macam dah malas nak makan ubat..asyik ubat je..jemu!!tapi everyday got free lecture ngan DR SYAMIM, terpaksa laa makan ubat tue jgk.selagi die xnampak ubat tue masuk dlm mulut, jangan harap laa die nak stop pushing u..huhu..but,thanx least, sehat laa jgk even for a few days..5hari je kot..then demam balik..
pegi jumpa doc,doc pun pelik.."macam mana awk boleh demam balik ni??saya dah bagi antibiotik kan??patutnya xdemam lagi..saya dah xtau nak bagi awk ubt apa lagi ni.."..deep inside, i laughed..doc2..nak bagi ubt pun xtau ke??haha.."saya bagi awak ubat ni dulu,kalau sampai rabu awak demam lagi..come and see me."..baek lah doc..ubat lagi!but today, i lost my appetite..for this whole day, i only got a slice of bread for my breakfast and a slice for my dinner.boleh kurus elin camni!
bangun pagi nak smayang subuh..panasnye badan...pening2..hurmm..nak masuk toilet,lama gile diri depan pintu..rasa cam pusing2 je..aishh..xleh jadi ni..i went to my room..dok kejap..pastu baru leh bangun..pas smayang tido balik..
petang after kelas..sakit perot gle!act saket since kat kelas agi..tapi malas nak gi toilet..sejukkk..huhu..balik umah terus buang air..tapi punya laa terkejut..nape najis saya warna hijau?!!!seyes takot..i called my sis cakap kne sumpah ngan mahsuri..sengal punya kakak!tanya momot.."slalunye klu najis kaler laen ni..bakteria"..hurmm..
pagi muntah..2tymes..bdn since pagi panas..act xde laa panas sangat..suam2 kuku je..hahah..pening..nak gi clinic ke xnak??tapi ble pikir pasal smlm cam xsedap hati laa plak..better pegi kot..then,petang 2 aku pegi laa..ngan k.zarith n adie..mle2 kne stu injection..kat punggung..senget punggung aku nak duduk..sakit dowhh..sampi hari ni sakit lagi..nurse 2 cam xpandai je inject org..aishh..
"saya kne refer awk ke hsptl ni..suspected H1N1..kalau awak xmnth and cirit-birit..maybe sy boleh tggu sampai esk."
"hospital mana awak nak pegi?"
"err..tanya warden saya laa..boleh??"
pas k.zarith ngan doc 2 bincang2,then dorg agreed to send me to hosspital putrajaya.SUSPECTED lawak pun ada..xtau nape..ak sikit pun xtakut..lepak sme dah cuak..k.zarith xyah cakap laa..xbukak2 mask die..haha
sampi kt hsptl putrajaya ni yg best nak cite nihh..haha..ktorg sampi2 tu..malas laa nak tggu lama2..ktorg tros g kt emergency..ngan slamber je aku n k.zarith masuk situ..tibe2 kena tahan ngan guard..
"cik..check H1N1 kt luar dulu ye.."
ktorg pun kuar laa kat kaunter kt luar ..
"ye, boleh saya bantu.."
erkk..badan??tough..suara??lembut..bulu mata??lentik..kening??nipis..kulit??licin gle!
tgk name tag...ASRAFF..hahahahhaha
aku ni ngan xtau nak cakap apa..bagi je surat doc td..
"owhh..cik kne buat ujian darah kat clinic kshtn persint 9 dlu...kat sni utk H1N1 yg beriko tggi je..."
after after say thnx to her or him..aku ngan k.zarith pun blah..sakit perut ktorg gelak..ap2 pun..mntk maap laa ye cik abg kaunter..hahaha
pas amek darah smua kt clinic tuee..alhamdulillah..xde H1N1..just ada virus in my blood..virus 2 dah makan darah puteh ngan platlet ak..dpt 2hari cuti..kuarantin and rehat di rumah..jumaat kne gi amek darah agi..habess laa darah aku kali ni..adehh~ pray 4 me..hope cepat sembuh
Saturday, August 8, 2009
+the malaysian+
ishh..i dun wanna talk about this thing..yang aku nak share with you peeps is..the truth about the malaysian..kita slalu dengar..malaysian ni rude..xde adab..but not all of them yg macam 2..elin baek..hahha..*kidding*ok2..back to the point..(do i hv one??haha)..xde..tadi..kuar ngan momot..again~!!haha..then, on my way home, dalam tren..aku batuk yg amat usual laa..sampai kuar air mata..and lagi sket anak tekak nak trcabut..dah lama pun baatuk ni..bafore exam agi..dah around 3weeks kot..haha..dah amek ubt..dah hbs pun ubt 2..tapi bkn aku yg minum..rafiq..haha..baek kn ak ni??pemurah..aku kan malaysian..haha..but the thing yg aku nak share not bout my "kepemurahan" aku tu..but it's about, "kebaekan" the malaysian..ngah terseksa aku batuk2 dalam tren 2..ada laa sorg pmpn ni..chinese..cuit ak from blkg.."nah",she said..and gives me a mask.."to prevent", she added..she smiled at me and i say thnx to her..pas pkai mask 2..ada lak sorg ag yg cuit aku.."nak sikit?", and hand me a dettol..
see...xde laa trok sgt malaysian nie kan??ada je yg baek..hurmm..hope Allah jauhkan mereka dari mala petaka dengan kebaekan mereka tue..huhu..and yg chinese tadi..hope Allah bukak pintu hati die utk Islam..nanti dapat pahala of every single kebaekan that she did =)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on, cause
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
no matter how tough this way..
no matter how difficult the question that sensei gave us..
no matter the struggle im facing..
no matter at what tyme i sleep every nyte..
no matter till what tyme i stayed at uti..
no matter what they will say..
no matter how garang cikgu ropek..
no matter what....
even sometymes they knock me down but..
i'm not breaking...
i won't give up...
p/s: peeps..sorry for every single mistakes that i've and out..up to toe..if ada hutang pape cakap pray for us..
Saturday, July 4, 2009
exam is just round the corner..lagi 1mggu lbh je..*lagi smggu ke???xstdy pon lg........* cmne kappa nnt eik??if i'm in kappa's shoes..blom tntu i'm strong enuff to face it..but peeps..pls do pray for her..hope kappa will strong enuff to face all dis..and for almarhum..hope die tergolong dlm golongan hambaNya yg soleh..
3perkara yg akan dibawa bersama ke kubur:
1) sedekah
2) ilmu yang bermanfaat
dear strong dear..if u've anything..come to see us..we'll be there for you..have faith dear~
++ wishlist..huhu
2) saya nak peluk ayah saya..
3) saya nak mak saya selalu senyum..xsusah hati lagi..
4) saya nak tido ngan mak saya..
5) saya nak k.ida dapat gi UK..nanti leh gi ryouko free..wiii~
6) saya nak k.ya xpening2 agi pikir psal prob die..
7) saya nak k.ja xlupekan saya ble die kawen nnt..
8) saya nak abg byk masa ngn saya lagi..
9) saya nak momot..
10) saya nak family saya proud of me..
but the most important is.....
saya saya yg dulu
Thursday, July 2, 2009

3) jeans
4) perfume (lme xintai2 perfume..but really dah jatuh hati wif DKNY Be Delicious)
5) flowers
6) white bed sheet wif orange comforter
7) shoes
8) big teddy (but i stil luv my lil ted from him)
9) flight ticket to terengganu for dis weekend (omeshickk)
My birthday is coming up soon. Anyone wants to give any of above as my birthday present?pleasee??hehehe..:p
Sunday, June 28, 2009
kerdilnya aku di duniaMU..
Ampuni dosa kumasa silam
Sempurnakanlah kehidupanku
Murahkan rezeki dengan nikmat-Mu
Jadikanku hamba bertaqwa
Tiang iman untuk agama
Munajatku padaMu Tuhan
Ampuni dosa sekalian insan
Sempurnakanlah hidup kami
Murahkan rezeki dengan nikmat-Mu
Jadikan kami hamba bertaqwa
Tiang iman untuk agama
Laa ilaha illAllah
Jauhkan aku dari siksaan
Api neraka yang panas
Membakar manusia ingkar di dunia
Terimalah ku jadi umatmu
Ku pohon syafaat darimu
Beratkan neraca pahala kunanti
Aku aniaya...
Diri sendiri selamanya
Ku tak tertanggung...
Duka dan dosa silamku
Sunday, June 21, 2009
it's for you abah..
but abah, i wrote this special for you..
my super duper hero..=)
an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
"i know you can do it..abah tau anak abah ni.."
hikhik..syg abah!abah slalu suh smayang hajat..blk skola kne jemaah ngan abah.. alhamdulillah.. when the result announced..i got it!huhu..abah laa org yg plg happy..abah cakap..
"adik kne jadi doc..nnt abah sakit..sng.."
abah mmg takut ngan doc pn..sbb tu nak anak die jadi doc..
abah..abah igt lg tak??that tyme..sme org dah dapat tawaran gi skola sains..but i didn't get anyone of it..abah calm me down..
"xpe..skola biasa pun xpe..dpt msk kls rancangan khas tu jgk kn??"
he smiled at me..even i know..deep inside his heart..he really sad..i'm sorry abah..
abah..abah igt lagi tak??ttbe adk dpt tawaran gi skola sheikh malik??skola agama..all of them wanna me go there..sbb skola tu pun skola top gak kt trg..but i don't wanna go there..tak nak gi skola agama..nanti kene pkai tudung labuh...hahha..i cried all day long..pastu abah pujuk...
"xnak pegi pun xpela..skola je kt skola skarang.."
abah..abah igt lagi tak??a month at that skoll..a got a letter..TAWARAN KE SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH..i'm so happy...yes i am!adik terus call abah...abah had a meeting on that tyme..adk jerit2 kt abah..
"adk dpt skola sains!!yes! adik dpt"
adk dpt dgr suara hepy abh..kejap pastu..abah smpi umah..xtau laa brape abah pecut..he leave the meeting..abah read the letter..and hugged me tightly..
"TANIAH!", he said..
abah..abah igt lagi tak??my 1st month at scipp??i called home everyday..i cried and's my 1st tyme away from home..i asked u to pick me home..abah cakap..
"sabar laa..kte nak jadi doktor..weekend abah pegi"
every week abah and mak visited me..i don't care how far you travel just to visit me..what i know that tyme is..i want to meet both of you..just it..everytyme you come..after solat..abah mesti take a nap kat surau..penat sgt kot..3 jam driving..tapi adik xpenah kesah pun mse tu kan??abah sabar je..thanx abh!
abah..abah igt lagi tak??when PMR is just round the corner??i called you..just to shared with worried i am..
"adik takut laa nak PMR"
pastu abah marah2
"anak abah sme berani2..xde takut2 ni"
abah ex-army..pantang anak die takut2 ni..then i sobbed..abah tanya dah xjwb dah..senyap je..
weekend tu abah ngan mak visited me..i'm quiet didn't told me that you wanna come..mak cakap abah nyesal marah2 adik..hikhik..sayang abah!
abah..abah igt x??adik xdpt ambk rslt PMR..kite nak hntr mak teh g umrah kan??abah cakap call je..i warned everybody..don't ever gedik2 nak call skola eik..biar adik tau dlu..adk xconfident ngan my result..byk sgt maen2 mse tue..tapi xdapat tau jgk hari busy we decided call esk..esk tu..abah xsng duduk..adk pun sme..after suduh xtdo pun..kte gilir2 call office..abah call dalam bilik abah..gne ur fon..adk call dlm blk adk..skali..they answered my cal..
once again..alhamdulillah..i got straight A's..lari2 msk bilik abh..lompat2 atas katil abah..jerit2..abah hepy sgt..mak kat dapur dgr adik jerit2..terus naek..mak nangis..and so with you..i'm so proud..dapat buat both of you hepy..alhamdulillah..
abah..abah igt lagi tak??on the way nak amk rslt SPM lak..kte stop breakfast..adk xlalu mkn..abh mrh..
"knape xnk mkn??nak biar perut kosong??nak gastrik??"
adk nangis..mak ckp ngan abh..
"jgn mrh..smlm pun xleh tdo nihh..risau laa tu"
pas makan..dlm kete adk senyap je..tapi nak dekat2 smpi tu..adk tny abah ngan abah..klu adk xdpt 10A xpe ke??
"abah ngan mak xkesah pun brpe..yg penting adk dah usaha..abah nampak tu"
i smiled..but i know..they really hope that i could gt straight A's..mak cakap..kalau boleh jgn lagi rndh dari result PMR..dalam kete adk dpt msg frm my teacher..she said i got 7A's..i tell you..
abah ngan mak nangis..but i don't knowboth of you nangis sbb hepy or frust..but i'm really frust with it..i hope i gt 8 and above..tapi bile smpi skola..and gt the result..
"taniah..awk dpt 8.."ckgu sahar ckp
"tipu arr miss sabby msg dpt 7 je.."
ngan muka monyok sket ni..huhu
"lor..xcye tgk sndri.."
kire2 blk..btl laa..8..huhu..adik jerit pggl abah..
"adk dpt 8 laa bah..adk dpt 8!"
dis tyme adk nmpk..abh senyum..laen dri yg td..lagi lebar snym abh...pas kuar office 2..abh ckp..abh mmg target adk dpt 8 and above pun..alhamdulillah..abah siap nazar ag utk adk..
abah..abah igt lg tak??bila adk dpt msk JAD??abh laa org plg hepy..mse mle2 nk intrvw nak msk intensive..abah xdpt hntr..abh ada meeting kat kl..tapi abh call..mcm2 abah nasihat..alhamdulillah..dapat pun msk intensive..sbb doa abh kot..=)mse nak hntr adk gi KRM..
abah ngan mak pkai bju kaler sme..abah bju batik hijau..mak kurung hijau..muka abah hepy sgt...
adk lagi hepy dpt buat abah hepy..1st week kt stu abah dtg lg..intrvw nak msk JAD lak..abh teman gi intrvw..abh pilih bju adk..abh ckp..pkai yg lembut2 sket..kaler trg2 sgt..before masuk intrvw tu..macam2 abh pesan..huhu..macam abh pulak yg lagi cuak dari adk..kuar je dr blk 2..trs abh tny cmne..berkat doa abh..intrvw adk ok je..pas intrvw..adk gastrik..abh bli kan susu utk adk..kite tggu k.ya lme sgt kn??tapi abah suh adk baring kt abah..adk igt tu bah..
byk lagi adk nak tulis pasal abah..
tapi mst pnjg..sbb byk sgt abh dah korbankn utk adk..
i just can say thnx for it..
i promise you..
i'll make you proud of me..
xdpt jd doktor pun..
i'll make sure i'll be engineer..
adk jge abh nnt..
abah..pls take care of yourself..
makan ubt..adk nak abah tgk adk grad nnt..
mcm mne pun..
i'll make sure u'll be there that tyme..
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
jatuh cinta lagi..

i dunno why..
but recently, i really do love flowers..
i want it! i want it!
is there anybody wanna gimme??
hohhOo..hope there's yg berhati baek
wanna gimme a bouquet of roses..
*maksud yg tersirat* ngee~
jom mencuci mata...lalala





i've dis such beautiful garden~!
only dis one in my heart..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
baju muslimah....
asal2nye tengok fana..die beli baju tue..comel..warna biru..stripe2 lak tue..i lyke! tambah2 agi ngan orang tolong bayar...mane laa elin xtolak..huhu..*mekacihh ye cik farrah!*..bcoz of too excited dapat baju baru..i wear it to a talk with prof, about 'future engineer'..pas talk tue..plan nak g find some besday present..for them..hoho..*anda2..jgn ghairah ye..ktorg beli yg bese2 je..huhu*..mse pkai g talk tue..ok je..xde org pandang pelik or cakap pape pun..maybe it's a comman kat tbp ni kot..rmai sangat yg pakai macam tue kat sini..then, elin pun behave lyke usual laa..
after talk tue..rase cam mls lak to change baju..pkai jela baju tue g sunway..pegi ngan 'kuda puteh' xrase pape laa kot..coz put pun wearing jubah..huhu..tapi sangat laa malu,bile ngah jln2 tue..ada plak yg bagi salam..kalau sekali xpe..but it's 2 tymes..with the different people..adoii..pelik sangat ke people who wearing this baju??pelik ke for a muslim nak tutup aurat dorang??i wish u'll get a wife yg pakai purdah..nnt when u jln2 with her..orang laughing at her plak..that tyme baru padan muke korang..tau laa apa rsenye..when people laughing at you..huhh!
hurmm..teringat plak a question yg one of my kouhai asked mse usrah las tyme.."salah ke klu kite nak jalani hidup yang normal..nak pegi konsert cam orang2 biasa buat..pegi jom heboh..salah ke??"..then iman besar masjid unisel kite pun jawab laa.."adakah itu yg dinamakan kehidupan yang normal??itu bukan kehidupan yang normal tapi kehidupan yg dibuat2 normal.."
pastu..masuk lak ada satu kedai 2..nak beli baju for my fren..pas2 sales girl 2 pon cakap..
"baju ni lawa gak klu nak wat dress..pkai ngan belt ni.."
"ishh..xnak laa..nanti nampak cam ketat sangat..xseswai..pakai tudung lak.."
"owhh..kawan tue macam korang2 ni sume ke??"
macam apa kak??koyak mulot baru tau...
oh! i'm so evil...
seb baek laa elin ni dah penat tyme tue..terpaksa laa beli jgk kt situ..*sigh*
elin ni bukan laa warak sangat..ishh..mmg xwarak langsung laa..tapi kadang2 tue geram laa jgk..korang xnak ikut apa yang Allah suruh tue..ske hati korang laa..tapi jangan laa mengata or kutuk plak ngan orang yg nak belajar mengikut cakap Allah ni..sebab dorang tu laa..elin xnak pkai baju tu agi!klu ada apa2 yg kne pkai baju 2 je baru nak pkai..... :(
bye2 bju yang comel...sleep tight in wardrobe..
can i??
melampaunye elin..
kuar shop habes duet...
ingat duet 2 air apa??
there's still have baju yg xpakai agi kt wardrobe tu..
but when i went out to sunway yesterday..
i bought the new one..huhu
yg tu xtau laa bile lak nk pkai..
enuff~! there's no more shop...
for dis month..LOL
i noe dat i can stop dis habit..
i love my money...
but i love shop
ohh..i'm so addicted with it~
*credit cards
*caring-en momot suh add..ciri2 die katenye..huhu..yeahh..i admit it!
kepada encek momot..sila2 laa berusaha ye~
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
tapi mmg sedey laa ni... :(
baju yg my besfren bagi rosak..
donno why..
but there's tompok2 biru on it..
elin syg gle bju 2..
really luv it~!
alia gimme during her las holls..
xjge leklok..
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
biarkan ia perlahan-lahan...
selesa sangat ble ad kat situ..
ak pun xtau..
tapi sangat tenang..
penah tersasar..
tp mencuba mencari jalan pulang..
kata 'dia' petang tadi..
"ko dah dapat pun elin..nak tunggu apa lagi?"
"kalau Dia tarik balik mcm mne?"
aku takut aku buat smua tu nanti..
disebabkan manusia..
bukan keikhlasan aku sendiri..
aku belum kuat..
biarlah ia perlahan-lahan..
asalkan ia teguh..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
en. blog
hurmm..i don't know what i'm trying to say.. and i don't know what shud i write to you. but i'm badly sad rite now... i don't know with whom shud i tell.. or how shud i tell them.. then i think it's better telling you what my heart whisper rite now...
lots of things happened lately.. keTENSYENan pilih dai.. keSERABUTan ngan mendan.. keSEDIHan my sis will get engaged next month.. keRINDUANan wif abah ngan mak.. and deadly.. bertimbun2 kadai and report to be finished up!*sigh*
let me start with my mendan.. i'm so frustrated.. i cn't apply for shibaura and tokai.. as what sensei told me, there's too many student who applied to. and the limit for denki student, only 5students. coz of my terrible result in last sem.. i've been rejected. you deserve it elin!
sensei suggest me to apply takushoku university and tokyo university of tech. and take the network course. yeah.. i have interest with that course.. but i theres no one of my fren who has the same interest. i cn't study alone.. i shud have someone who can guide me.. who can teach me with anything that i don't understand. this morning, in class, some of them talking bout this. they have just came back from soudan wif sensei. they so happy. really happy. when sensei allowed them to go that dai and taking the same course. but, what about me?? =[
you two guys.. better don't talk about it infront me again.. it's hurt me.. really.
my sis, the one who really close wif me, will get engaged in dis june..tiada lagi teman meronggeng =[ .. when i get the news.. i crying non-stop.. i know, it will be like me and abg.. he pay much attention on his family.. no more gdh2 cm dlu.. ada but so rarely.. but this tyme sgt2 terasa that i will lost her.. no more 'kereta ank dara'.. no more ronggeng2 wif her.. mst dh xdpt teman her if she have any course here.. xdpt tmpg her hotel lagi.. no more nite shift.. telling you how close we are.. i know all of her staf and frens.. yela..slalu sgt ikut die gi kerja.. huhu.. sis...if you read, hope you know that i really love you! jgn laa stop top up my fon eik?huhu..
hurmm..i shud stop here something to do.. pen off!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
“ Jangan Ya Allah.. Kau palingkan hati kami setelah Kau beri hidayah kepada kami. Tetapkanlah hati kami untuk terus menerus membela agamaMu. Jangan Kau biarkan nasib kami ditentukan oleh diri kami sendiri walau sekadar sekelip mata atau kadar yang lebih cepat daripada itu…………….”
Ya Allah.. Apa yang aku cari selama ini?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
there can be miracles when you believe~
Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know theres much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could, whoa, yes
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer bird
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now Im standing here
My hearts so full, I cant explain
Seeking faith and speakin words
I never thought Id say
There can be miracles
When you believe (when you believe)
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill (mmm)
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve (you can achieve)
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
They dont always happen when you ask
And its easy to give in to your fears
But when youre blinded by your pain
Cant see the way, get through the rain
A small but still, resilient voice
Says hope is very near, oh [oh]
There can be miracles (miracles)
When you believe (boy, when you believe, yeah) [though hope is frail]
Though hope is frail [its hard]
Its hard to kill (hard to kill, oh, yeah)
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve (you can achieve, oh)
When you believe somehow you will (somehow, somehow, somehow)
Somehow you will (I know, I know, know)
You will when you believe [when you]
[you will when you]
(you will when you believe)
[when you believe]
[when you believe]
This was the ever dramatic scene form the movie "Prince of egypt", with the OST When you believe.
In the film, this song of inspiration is performed by the characters Tzipporah (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Miriam (sung by Sally Dworsky). The protagonists of this ballad recall tough times that have them questioning their faith: they have prayed for many nights to God but those prayers seem to remain unanswered, and they wonder if they are wasting their time. Nevertheless, they realize that although times may be difficult, "there can be miracles when you believe" in God.
Don't take the negative site of this movie but take the lessons from it. There can be miracles when you have faith with Allah. Usaha, tawakal and believe in Allah, insyaAllah, everything will be fine.
Might be some of you people don't really know what this movie is about. The Prince of Egypt is a Dreamworks movie based on the biblical story of Moses. Adaptasi based on cerita Nabi Musa. Ni laa yang orang cakap, 'PERANG SARAF'. Tapi cite ni dah kne banned pn. But it's really weird when there's the same kind of this movie on the market. Such as 'The Ten Commandments'(a grand retelling of the epic story of Moses), 'Arabian Nights', 'Day of Destruction'(cite pasal hari kiamat kot) and 'Hercules'(half God, half man, all power). Infront of the cover write "WARNING: This film is not suitable for Muslim viewers". Why?? Might be they realize that we know true story. Haha.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
"Orang-orang yang beriman itu akan menjadi tenteram hati mereka. Ingatlah, bahawa dengan mengingati Allah hati itu akan menjadi tenteram." ( Ar-Ra'd: 28).Islam melihat tekanan sebangai hasil dari renggangnya hubungan seseorang dengan al-Khaliqnya. Ini kerana Allah menyatakan bahawa ketenangan hanya dimiliki oleh mereka yang sentiasa mengingati Allah dalam setiap saat kehidupan.
Hey, at last I’d made my blog pretty much beneficial for people to read. Haha. take lesson from it.
pen off.
Monday, May 4, 2009
it's May already
but still don't know
which dai=u i want to go
i need to pass up the entrance form by today
but i still not make any choice
arghh.. i don't want to think about it
i hate it
i hate when i need to make a choice..
rOlling! rOlling! rOlling!
i have interest on wireless
but some of them said
wireless is a though subject
sensei also said that
plus, there's no one who have the same interest with me
i don't wanna go alone
i can't study alone
and i can't be so friendly with japanese
*sigh* doushiyoukana??
doko no daigaku he ikitainoka??
nanno senmon ga sukinano??
kore ha muzukashi desune..
p/s: tadi kne marah ngan karino sensei..seday =[
kerinduan yang amat sgt!
slalunye tensen2 stdy or bosan2..
dpt laa jgk call dorang..
but this tyme i can't..
mak..adik rindu..ngan abah pun rindu..
ble nak call??
what are they doing rite now ekh??
dah tido ke??
Ya Allah..jauhkan mereka dari malapetaka Ya Allah..
lindungilah mereka Ya Allah..
terimalah ibadat mereka Ya Allah..
khusyukkanlah mereka dalam beribadat Ya Allah..
kasihanilah mereka Ya Allah..
sihatkanlah tubuh badan mereka Ya Allah..
permudahkanlah mereka beribadat kepadaMu..
hope abah ngan mak pulang ngan selamat..
lagi 12hari..
..nyte abah..

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
he's my everything..
he's always said dat..he so worry if one day, his children not care bout him anymore.. everytime ktorg tgk cte seday*psl2 parents yg kne buang ngan anak2*he sobbed.."jangan buat abah macam ni.." we won't laa abah.. you are my everything. how come we sampai hati to do that.
my dad, yg agak temper..bukan agak mmg. everyone takot wif him.. my cousin xberani to make any mistake infront him. nak kne ceramah, buat la..huhu. kami anak2 die ni lagi laa. apa yang abah xsuke, we won't do that. but it's never make us*me and my siblings* hate abah. he such a hero for us. a great man that could ever replace with anyone. he gives all what we want. he gives us all his love. he always make sure we have all what we need. abah xkesah xde baju raya, but he will mengelabah when bju ank2 xbeli lagi.. even i'm here now. he will drop by just to take me out to buy bju raya. abah dtg kl semata2 for it. semata2 to buy me bju raya.
when the exam is just round the corner. aku start xsenang duduk. everyday call abah. exam mode really make me sick! how busy he is, how tired he is, he will layan borak2 with me, even for awhile. 2years i've been here. and almost 6 times i've sit for shiken=exam, *if i'm not mistaken, plus shiken kt sni is so horrible! fail 2 subject leh kne dismiss.* abah never miss visit me here. support me. take me out just to release my tense.
i still remember, last kimatsu=final exam.
"abah, next week exam. abah ble nak datang?"
"abah ngah busy agi ni. election kan da dekat. tp nanti da settle abah pegi."
but a day after dat, abah da beli tiket to kl. he leave his job to a fren even he know he has the responsibility on it.
"adik, abah sampai ptg ni. balik laa umah k.ya. nanti kte g makan tomyam nak?"* fav*
owhh.. pengorbanan seorang ayah kepada anaknya. he leave everything there just come to belanja me tomyam.. he will do anything for his children. he don't care with what will happen next. he just want to see his children happy. just it!
everytime i sit for the exam, before i step in to the hall. i will call him to get my strenght.
"hari ni abah blk tau. jawab leklok. kalau xleh jawab, ingat abah ada kat tepi =]". i smile. thnx abah, i'll do my best. i'll make sure that i'll give the best for you.
but, i never do that. i'm never give the best for my dad. since in JAD, i'm never get the excellent rslt. i always make him frustrated with me. tapi bab duet laju lak. abah pnh said to me.
"ni anak saudagar ni. belanja duet cam air."
i'm not really worry bout the money. i'm not even care bout it. what i know is, shop,shop and shopping again. but now, i should realize. abah dah tua,sakit lagi tu. project pn susah nak dapat. kurangkan hang out, shuchu benkyoushimasu. this is my last year i'm here. i won't care with anything. i should prove them. i can do it! abah..mattetene..mou sukoushi.*abah tggu eik..jap je lagi* i'll make sure i'll pass the exam and dpt fly sne. bile da kat nihon nnt, i'll make sure you and mak will get a chance to go there. i promise you!
to those who still have parents outside there, appreciate them. they had make lot of sacrifices to us. jgn hampakan dorg..nanti ble dorg dah xe..kte akan sangat2 menyesal.....
Friday, May 1, 2009
semalam ada usrah ngan k.hanum..Ya Allah pny laa sangat malas nak pegi.the day dapat msg pasal ni..hati sangat2 laa memberontak. report not finish yet, dah laa orang ramai balik. xkan ada usrah gak kot. xnak pegi2!!
punya laa rmai setan2 buncit around me..after clas smlm, blk bukak lappy, continue writting the repot sket, aku tros tido.. xnak jugak pegi usrah! housemates sme da turun surau dat tyme.. it's only me yang ngah terbongkang kat katil tue.. when they are come back, they wake me up, suh smyg isyak. tgk jam, da kol 930. usrah had just start. ttbe terdetik plak. kesian ngan k.hanum..da laa rmai balik weekend ni. *labour day* mesti xde orang pegi usrah.. kesian die..datang jauh2..xde org plak nak join usrah, aku pun smyg cepat2 and turun surau..
sampai2 tue, i'm not really pay attention to what k.hanum ngh ckp tue.. aku lagi leka maen ngan fatih*anak k.hanum*. tapi Allah macam nak sangat bagi aku dengar apa yang k.hanum cakap tue.. yang betul2 buat aku rasa tertampar, k.hanum cakap pasal niat.
"everything yang kite nak buat kena laa dengan niat yang betul. klu niat nak g ihon tue sbb nak beli kete, kete laa yang kite dapat. kalau niat datang usrah sbb kesiankan akk usrah tue..kesian tue jela yang mampu kita hilangkan. sia2 sme yang kite buat tue.. xde pape pun yg kte dapat. even pahala."
lol..memang kne batang hidung. aku mula faham. aku betulkan niat..Alhamdulillah.. banyak input yang aku dapat. banyak benda yang ktorg share malam tue..sampai usrah pun habis around 12. sampai ada yang nangis2 kn?huhu.. and ada satu story yang sangat buat aku berfikir..
there's a chris,kat canada if i'm not mistaken. die sangat pelik with the muslim. he said,the muslim look so busy with their ibadat. they need to pray 5tymes a day. pastu sempat agi nak g usrah. kalau diikutkan mmg xcukup laa mse untuk balaja tue kan?yela..nk pegi usrah tue.take tyme gak. but dorg yang pegi usrah*yang lebihkan mse untuk Allah* ni laa yang scorer.. itu lah NIKMAT ISLAM. each second yang digunakan untuk Allah, beribadat kepadaNya..berganda2 Allah akan gantikan ia balik.
see~kalau setting niat btol2 dapat laa input yg bgOs2 tue..ngee~*riak laa plk*..xleh2..huhu
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
(O.o)here is my first blog!
Hello .. people.
And then how should i start this? Well I actually have nothing better to do right now. Okay okay, I lied. I have reports to be finished up and the deadly have lots of kadai=assignment to settle!!And I’m freaking out at this moment. But I have such a lazy butt! *sighs*
Back to main point. (Do i have one actually?) I’m just kinda interested because i’ve seen many blogs by others so i think i should try blogging at least once in my life.Reading blogs by the people i know n care has caused me to try out this blogging thing. And i'm actually try to find a good way to spend my time..acece~bajet baek laa plk.huhu..But it's true.Asek2 after class lepakING on the bed..Goro2 suru. Plus, blogging is a way for me to improve my eigo=english..Since it's been so long that i haven't use it. Yela.. All books and notes in nihon go=japanese. Cakap ngan sensei pun nihon go. But my nihon go still not so fluent. It's not so, but MEMANG! And then I pretty sure my second post of blog would take place like … a month or two ahead. However, that depends on my level of boredomness and tenseness.
Oh i’m so wasting my time here. I’m wondering would there be anyone who read my blog? And if so, may I say thanks for wasting your time reading my craps? LOL. Okay, I think I should stop typing by now because I’d started babbling now. Haha.
Okay let’s seriously stop here. I do hope that u... my readers will enjoy sharing my stories with me. U r more than welcome to leave any comments. ‘Til we meet again.